There is no place like home and there sure isn't anything better than a mini album for your home, about your home or in the shape of a home. House mini's are everywhere i look. And so easy to make. Some chipboard, a pair of scissors and the ability to draw a straight line and you're nearly there. If all that sounds like too much work, you can always purchase a house mini like the maya road one featured here.
Take a look at what some crafty divas are doin with their houses.
First up! Melina's mini. Nearly finished and looking great.Nancy's home sweet home in a maya road board book.
This from one of my fave mini makers. Christina (aka coffee girl)
i love her stuff!
does a Louisa's castle count?
More minis on flickr
You can find a whole heap of housey, homey inspiration from this flickr group too hosted by shimille.
House minis - don't want to make one....
Post it NOte:
the mini album comp has ended and i will be announcing the winner via the newsletter on the 6th. Thx everyone for your participation it was great!!
This came out so nice. Love the idea.
Greats ideas in your blog!!! Kisses from México!
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